The Joystick has Nokia 5110 LCD and nRF24L01 interface. You can easy develop your Joystick games, and even communication each other with wireless nRF24L01.
The shield sits on top of your Arduino and turns it into a simple controller. 7 momentary push buttons ( (4 big buttons + 2 small buttons + joystick select button ) and a two-axis thumb joystick gives your Arduino functionality on the level of old Nintendo controllers.
If you are using the Joystick Shield with the Nokia 5110 Display you can’t use a standard Arduino board as those only supply 50mA on the 3.3V pin which is not enough for what the Nokia 5110 backlight needs. Make sure you use a board that can handle more than 50mA on the 3.3V pin if you are using the Nokia 5110 and want backlight
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