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Arduino Nano


Microcontroller: ATmega328
Architecture: AVR
Operating Voltage: 5 V
Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 2 KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Analog IN Pins: 8
DC Current per I/O Pins: 40 mA (I/O Pins)
Input Voltage: 7-9 V MAX
Digital I/O Pins: 22 (6 of which are PWM)
PWM Output: 6
Power Consumption: 19 mA
PCB Size: 18mm x 45 mm

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Arduino Nano With ATmega328 Microcontroller [32KB Flash] is an ultra-low size Arduino board with AVR architecture and based on Atmel Atmega328P-AU microcontroller, which has all capabilities of Arduino Duemilanove except DC power jack in the smallest size. Also, it has a Mini-B USB cable instead of a micro-USB to USB cable. This miniature Arduino board is like Arduino UNO type but with smaller size and weight lighter than UNo, which is suitable for flyer robot and tiny robot. this Arduino is idealized for breadboard working too. The Arduino Nano is equipped with 8 pins for analog inputs (to run 10 bit resolution means 1024 different values), and 14 digital IO pins that 6 pins can be used for PWM outputs, 2pins for serial receive and transmit data, 2pins for external interrupts, 4pins for SPI serial ports, and on for LED indicator. It has also a pin for reference voltage input for analog reference comparison and one pin for resetting the microcontroller. This Arduino chip that operates with TTL logic level of 3.3V DC and can be supplied with a recommended voltage of 7V to 9V DC. It can easily be supplied through a micro-USB to USB cable from any USB port or through the AC to DC  or a 9V battery. This Arduino is compatible with 1.0 Arduino pinout and any shields with 3.3V DC. This Arduino can tolerate maximum input and output voltage of 3.3V, means that applying more than 3.3V DC to any input or output pins can damage the Arduino Due. This Arduino has all the requirements of the microcontroller support.
 Arduino is an open-source platform based on simple userfriendly hardware and software. Arduino boards are designed to receive signals from sensors and other programs such as light sensor, finger button, or a Twitter message, and produce a command based on this received signal for handling a motor, an LED, publishing something online, and so on. The Arduino board can be employed as a slave operator, that performs simple digit works based on our instructions. For achieving this exciting gift, it is needed to learn the Arduino rules of programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

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Arduino Nano